QC's Bunnifesto
like a manifesto, but with more bunny

QC's Technical Design Bunnifesto 🐇☭

This post is a slightly revised version of a document I wrote about a year ago to share some gentle technical planning guidance with colleagues. It’s not intended to provide a template for writing technical design documents; every TD is probably going to look a bit different, based on its scope and audience. Instead, it’s a narrative around what you should think about in order to write an effective TD, what you and others should be able to get out of it, and some guidelines on how to get started with your tech spike and written document.

First, some context and definitions:

A technical design document (TD or TDD, not to be confused with test-driven development), describes a solution to a technical problem. You might also see it called a technical specification, engineering design doc, or similar, but they all serve the same purpose: communicate what the solution is, how we’re going to build it, and why we’re going to do it that way.

A project will typically start with a product requirements document (PRD), which describes what the problem is and what the solution needs to do. From the requirements, we build out a TD to guide us through the implementation of the solution. TDs I’ve worked with typically cover both the general system architecture and the implementation approach for the project, but your team might split this into two separate documents.

While developing your TD, you’ll typically engage in one or more tech spikes: this is where you’re building the simplest possible proofs of concept to explore the technologies you’re considering, so you can answer your own questions about what they can do and how they compare to each other.

And now to the bunnifesto:

The ultimate goal of a TD is to reduce technical risk. If you can’t use it to build a work plan, it’s not finished. The TD helps with planning by giving a bit more certainty around scoping – it’s the document that lets you say “I think we can deliver this much in 6 weeks” and be reasonably certain about it.

You’re not trying to rigorously define the entire project – at that point you may as well have just written the code instead of the TD. Figure out the general approach/technologies/interfaces needed, leave the implementation details to whoever picks up the ticket.

What’s your end goal for this document? You’re fearlessly (or fearfully) leading your team into this project work. Your goal should be to anticipate their questions and factor them into your proposal. You want your teammates to know you’ve thought through everything – the scope, the risks, reasonable alternatives and their tradeoffs – so they can trust your recommendations about how to proceed. You want your manager to be able to read the proposal and just say yes.

Your work plan might have known unknowns – tasks that require some exploration, you know what you need to do and you probably have some idea about how to do it, but you might need to choose between a couple of approaches/scopes at the time or read up on something unfamiliar. You’re trying to avoid unknown unknowns, these are what can really blow out a project. They’re what happen when you say “she’ll be right” and launch into the project and then six weeks in someone says “OK, but I need to be able to read back that data too” and a look of horror slowly appears on your face as you realise you designed and built an entire system where you prevented data exfiltration by only ever storing cryptographic hashes of user input and you forgot the next stage of the project involved displaying that data. Oops.

On that note, requirements: you should be aware of the scope of your design and how it fits into broader priorities. Read and re-read the PRD. Don’t spend a lot of time designing for the project you’re not building right now. Requirements change. Do spend time architecting for future requirements though – this feature might involve write-only data right now, but you know down the line we’re going to want to be able to read it back/scale it up/etc. You don’t want to have to completely rebuild the system in the near future. (For this reason, we generally don’t ask less experienced engineers to write TDs on their own – their main focus is still on learning to build solutions, as they gain more experience they’ll be able to see the bigger picture and think about planning for the future.)

And make sure your TD covers all your current requirements! Make a list. Tick them off. If a requirement isn’t clear enough or you don’t understand it fully, go and ask people. There’s little point in building a beautiful system that can’t do what its users needed in the first place.

Don’t forget the implicit non-functional requirements either – the ones that apply to all engineering work we do. Even if the PRD doesn’t explicitly call out security, performance, reliability, maintainability, usability, and other “ilities”, you should always keep these technical requirements in mind.

A lot of the work in writing a TD is considering technology choices and making tradeoffs. Think about our current patterns and what the team already knows how to use – if we’re already heavily integrated with AWS services everywhere and know how to use them, and AWS and GCP have basically feature-identical offerings that fit the bill, use the AWS one. That JS package may do everything, but do we really need it to do everything – is there a smaller package that does just what we need and is simpler to configure as a result? Is that new hipsterware actually prod-ready? Apply the principle of technological minimalism, but be aware that it has its limits: as a team, we want to minimise the number of technologies we need to maintain, but sometimes a well-informed decision to introduce a new technology is the best choice.

Write down what your tradeoffs are. Don’t just document what you do want to use. Document what you considered and rejected, and why. This gives you and your reviewer confidence that you’ve deeply understood the requirements and tradeoffs, and also means that when that lagomorph person who has an Opinion on Everything but didn’t actually read the TD pipes up with “why didn’t you choose BunnyRabbitWare?!” you can point to the TD without having to even argue.

Broaden your options before narrowing. Even if you’re pretty sure you know how we could do this, try to think of another way, even if it’s silly and just in your head. This makes you think about why the silly thing is bad and thus some things that might be bad (that you want to avoid) and gives you some baseline to compare against. If you can’t come up with another option, you probably don’t understand the problem well enough.

Take the time to understand the current state of the system and prior art (and write that down too). It might inform your options. Does this look like something we’re already doing – did that work well, do we want to follow the same example, or do we want to take a different approach after learning from our mistakes there? If we have two different ways we’re currently doing something, which one is the modern/preferred pattern? If your feature hooks into legacy code, do you need to rewrite a bunch of existing modules for compatibility with the Modern One True Way (you know, as opposed to last year’s One True Way), and how much extra time is that going to take? If you don’t have that much time, can you limit the scope of what you need to rewrite, and at least avoid introducing new legacy code even if you can’t rip it all out?

You want to break down the tasks in such a way that you can ship partial value even if you don’t complete the whole project. Priorities might change, or you might run out of time. If you can ship what you have and leave the system in a good state to build on it in the future, this is a good outcome!

Think about how you need to interact with existing systems too. Draw on your understanding of the system architecture. Your new feature feels standalone… but does it need to integrate with those constant background maintenance tasks? Have you considered that strangely-implemented-but-important widget that no one ever remembers? If you have questions about these things, ask now, don’t wait until the project has already started. If you don’t have questions, ask anyway – no matter how low your personal bus factor is, it’s almost impossible for you to know about every interaction in the system, so pick your colleagues’ brains for anything they can think of!

Level of context: as the author of the TD, you have all the relevant context in your head. Don’t assume your reviewer has all the same context, even if they’re the CTO (probably especially if they’re the CTO; there’s a lot of other stuff floating around in their head). They shouldn’t have to go digging through the whole PRD to understand what needs to be done, so explain why you’re making your choices – don’t rewrite the PRD, but don’t be afraid to give some background information.

Technical background information is definitely a good idea. Explain the current state of the system and what you’re slotting into.

What’s your narrative? Think about providing a smooth reading experience. It’s fine to write prose. Sometimes it’s easier to grok than dot points. If you’re asking if there should be a diagram, the answer is almost certainly yes.

Ask around broadly for people to review your TD, but chase people specifically too! Find the people who care the most about the design or are most likely to disagree with you. Get them on board now. Give your reviewer everything they need to give you informed feedback. You want them to rip things apart at this stage, before your team actually starts work.

On that “before your team actually starts work” point, let’s talk about tech spikes: this is an exploration phase and should be used to assess viability of an approach, not to pre-implement the feature.

Don’t retcon the TD after actually implementing the solution, either. But if you can, document your divergence – the best-laid plans go oft awry, after all, and codebases evolve over time.

In the words of a friend who has seen (and perhaps even been responsible for) many, many programming sins:

Tell me why your plan failed!!!! If you don’t you’re as bad as that one stackoverflow user who asked a question and then replied with “I solved it!!!”


Knowing why the initial attempt didn’t go as planned can be core to understanding why the eventual solution works. Future archaeologists will thank you.

“QCCCC,” you whine, “that’s too much text. Just tell me how to get started.”

Sorry, friend, I’m not here to give you a template. I want you to read all those words! But because I’m feeling generous, a basic structure to start with might be:

  1. Problem statement. What’s the problem we’re trying to solve? Why is it a problem (that needs to be solved with technology)?
  2. Background information. What does the system currently look like? Which parts of it support what we’re trying to do, what do we need to build on to solve our problem?
  3. The broadening: solution space. How might we solve the problem? What are our options? What are the tradeoffs between them?
  4. The narrowing: recommendation. We’ve talked about what we could do. Now, what should we do?

“Is there a checklist for writing a TD?”

Yes, it’s this bunnifesto.

More seriously, though, I don’t believe a generic checklist provides enough utility; as I mentioned in the preamble, every TD is going to be different, because so much of what goes into it is contextual. Instead, I’d encourage you to re-read this bunnifesto with the context of your project in mind, and construct your own list of things to ask yourself (and other people).

Make sure your TD answers the right questions. If you’re still not sure what those questions are, ask people who should know, until you find the answer to the question of what questions you should answer out.


  1. The answer to this is “all the bunnies”, so it was probably the wrong example to use.Â